25th Feb 2012

2nd Sample passed

We are now up and operational on our new pipes with our dual pressure tanks.  We are having a little trouble getting the pressure tanks up to the correct pressure but that should be cleared up by morning.

Thank you everyone you did a great job conserving water during this construction project.

If you have problems with sand or dirty water please run the hose in the back yard for 5 minutes or so should clear all the water through the house.

I found these tips out on a website:
The Boil Water Notice will be lifted once the water is safe to drink.

After a Boil water Notice has been lifted

  • Flush water farthest from the inlet to the house first.  (Most cases the backyard)
  • Flush all water-using fixtures for 1 minute.
  • Run cold-water faucets and drinking fountains for 1 minute before using the water.
  • Drain and flush all ice-making machines in your refrigerator.
  • Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
  • Drain and refill hot water tanks set below 45 C (normal setting is 60 C).
  • Change any pre-treatment filters (under sink style and refrigerator water filters, carbon block, activated carbon, sediment filters, etc.).


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24th Feb 2012

1st sample passed;

Today, Friday February 24th we flushed the new piping including the Pressure Tanks.  Took 2nd sample to the lab for testing.

Tomorrow, Saturday February 25th 5:30 pm we are expecting the 2nd sample to pass and we will be off both the Boil Water Notice and the Conserve Water Notice.

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23rd Feb 2012

New Piping is Done; & Heavy Chlorination Overnight

Today around 12:00 pm the piping was completed between the buildings.  The pipes are filled with super chlorinated water.  Tomorrow, Friday, February 24, 2012 we will flush and sample the line.   We will know Saturday if we will be off the Conserve Water Notice.

Note: we are still running on the temporary pipeline and will be until getting the all clear from the lab.

Ron & Martin Muscling the final connection

Ron & Martin Muscling the final connection

Completed Distribution line looking to the West

Completed Distribution line looking to the West


Here are a couple of photos of the Pressure Tank piping.

Piping for the East Pressure Tank

Piping for the East Pressure Tank

Piping for the West Pressure Tank

Piping for the West Pressure Tank


New Chlorination system is now up and running.  Please bare with us for the next week or so while we adjust the level of Chlorine back to the usual level.  We are running it higher than we normally do.  If you are sensitive to the Chlorine you may need to do extra filtering for the next week or so.

Sorry for any inconveniences regarding this.  Please feel free to ask questions if you need to.


Bruce Petersilge (820-7787) and Debby Turner (820-7633)


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23rd Feb 2012

Piping at the end of the day, 2/22/12

Wanted to show the piping last night but I forgot to take a photo.  Here it is.  You can see only about 5 – 6 feet left and 1 pressure tank with multiple fittings to go.

Piping between buildings at days end on Feb 22, 2012

Piping between buildings at days end on Feb 22, 2012

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22nd Feb 2012

What Specifically Happened at Belmont Terrace?

We planned on supplying water to the whole Terrace with water during the construction project.  What we were counting on is the closure of the Water Main on Tochinni leading back up to the booster pumps and pressure tanks.   What happened was the shut-off valve did not close properly and all the way for the welding to occur for the construction / destruction project at the well.

We were lucky that the outage was as short as it was.  Almost all of the houses on the top of Bella Vista Drive had their water turned off trying to keep the water in the houses.  We finished turning on the water to all the houses at 5:00 pm.

Again, Sorry for any inconveniences.

Hand cutting one of the pressure tank lines

Hand cutting one of the pressure tank lines

Martin cutting the other pressure tank connection

Martin cutting the other pressure tank connection

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22nd Feb 2012

What is a Boil Water Notice?

What Happened?

Usually, Boil Water Notices are issued because of a pipe break that causes the water system to lose pressure. Most pipe breaks are due to development or construction projects. There is a possibility that low water pressure inside the pipes could allow contaminants to enter.

How Will We Let You Know?

We use some or all of the following notification methods, depending on the size of the affected area. We hand deliver notices door to door, or leave a small sign near the driveway, as well as post large signs at entrances to the affected area.

What is the Health Concern?

It is possible that there are harmful bacteria in the water after a pressure loss. Although waterborne diseases are extremely rare, they can be serious. The risk is higher for infants, the elderly, and persons with immune deficiency disorders.

What Do You Do?

Disinfect water used for drinking (including pets!), cooking, brushing teeth, rinsing contact lenses, shaving, and making ice. Use one of the following methods:

  • Boiling. Boil water vigorously for two (2) minutes after it reaches a full boil.
  • Chlorine Bleach. Use only unscented liquid chlorine bleach (granular bleach is poisonous!). If water is clear, add 2 drops of bleach per quart of water (8 drops per gallon). If water is cloudy, add 4 drops per quart (16 drops per gallon). Mix well and let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Purification Tablets. These are available at drug stores or camping outlets. Follow the directions on the package. Tablets become less effective with age, discard or replace after one year.
  • Or use bottled water.

Water does not need to be disinfected for bathing, showering, or laundry. Dishes can be washed as long as you can use hot water, otherwise disinfect.

What Do You Do After the Discontinue Boil Water Notice?

Flush the water out of your distribution lines. Start with an outdoor faucet furthest from your meter and flush all outdoor faucets. Run hot water through each indoor faucet until you notice a change in water temperature. Remove the aerator before flushing kitchen and bathroom sink faucets. Run enough hot water to flush the hot water heater.

If you have an automatic ice maker, empty the ice tray several times to ensure that the line to the ice maker is flushed.

If Water Service is Disrupted for More than 12 Hours

Turn off all appliances that draw water, such as ice makers, hot water heaters, heat pumps, etc., to prevent damage.

Your water heater is a potential source of drinking and cooking water if you have not used hot water since the pipe break. Turn off the incoming water valve and power to the water heater. Water may be drawn through the valve at the bottom of the heater. When water service is restored, make sure the tank has refilled before restoring power to the heater.

Do not use swimming pool water for drinking or cooking.

If your toilet works, but you do not have running water to refill the tank, use pool water or other non-disinfected water, and minimize flushing. If there is no way to refill the tank, you can line the toilet with a plastic garbage bag. After use, tie the bag tightly and store in a secure container, such as a garbage can with a tight lid, for later disposal.

If you have Questions feel free to contact us,  we will reply as soon as possible.

Operator  – Bruce Petersilge  707 820-7787
Operator – Debby Turner 707 820-7633

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22nd Feb 2012

When Water comes back on

The water will come back on to the houses before we are done flushing.  Please do not use the water.  We are flushing the lines to make sure that no contamination has entered them.  No Water until 6:00 pm ( we should be flushing hydrants by then.)

What you want to do:

  1. turn hose bib on in the front yard to release air
  2. Then go to the back part of the house and flush out through the farthest hose
  3. Run water through each house outlet to make sure not air (1-3 minutes)


State Public Health has issued a mandatory Boil order for any water consumed.


Sorry for the inconvenience.


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22nd Feb 2012

No Water Until 6:00 pm on Wednesday, Feb 22

The best laid plans did not come to be.  The water main shutoff on Tochinni Street did not shut off.  SO we have had to shut the whole neighborhood off from water.   IF you have water now you may not for long.  All the houses on Bella Vista some on Daniel are already out of water.  SO sorry.  If you are home the best thing to do is to shut off the water to the house.  I will post again when you can flush your house lines.  Bruce and I will be doing a typical flush of the hydrants BEFORE you will want to flush your house.

Sorry  for the disruption we will have it back online as fast as possible.

We will still need to conserve even though we will be flushing the hydrants.

Thank you for your patience.




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20th Feb 2012

Flushing the temporary water line

Today we flushed the super chlorinated water out of the temporary water line.  We created a container that removed the chlorine at the bottom of the flush line.  Sample is at the lab and will be tested to make sure it is bacteria free and ready for human consumption.

Bruce samples the Chlorine level while flushing the temporary water line

Bruce samples the Chlorine level while flushing the temporary water line

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19th Feb 2012

Temporary Piping Connected to Fire Hydrant

Debby & Jean working on final segment of temporary piping

Debby & Jean working on final segment of temporary piping

Today Debby, Rich, Jean & Bruce finished connection to the Fire Hydrant on Tochinni Street.  Pipe is super chlorinating for a 24 hour period.  Tomorrow we will flush & take sample to the lab.

Jean Helping Deb & Rich

Jean Helping Deb & Rich

Rich Helps being the muscleman

Rich Helps being the muscleman


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