Consumer Confidence Report

Consumer confidence reports are always a year (and a half) behind.
2024 will not be reported until July 2025.

Click here for the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2019 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2017 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2016 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2015 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2014 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2013 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2012 Consumer Confidence Report

Click here for the 2011 Consumer Confidence Report

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