Archive for the 'Well Phase II Updates' Category

18th Feb 2012

Block Captains Contacting Neighbors

Today and tomorrow, block captains are contacting their neighbors to inform them about the mandatory Water Conservation Notice needed for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, next week.  Get to know them, they are neighbors that are volunteers that help us during emergency times.   A BIG Thank You to all of you.

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17th Feb 2012

Starting to lay Temporary piping

Friday, February 17th, temporary piping will start to go in.  There will be road barricades on the side walk and on the street in front of the fire hydrant on Tochinni Street starting Sunday, February 19th  They will stay there until the project is over.

Use your water this weekend.  Next week during the week we want to Conserve as much as possible.

Thank you,  Debby, Bruce, and the Belmont Terrace Mutual Water Company Board

 Bruce filling a sand bag


Debby carrying temporary water line section

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08th Feb 2012


The final phase of upgrade project is slated to start work on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

We will NEED help from everyone in the Terrace to conserve water.

Please no outside watering; no laundry and as low of water usage as possible.  IT is possible that low pressure will be experianced during this piping exchange.  I will post here about the Progress in the evenings.

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